I really like this picture because for me it tells us story.I took bunch of picture of the same scene and when the guy in the picture started looking around I was waiting for him to leave and it took a few minutes before he did. I still took pictures even thought his there i thought i can just edit the picture. But when I started looking through my pictures i find that the guy standing there gives it more appeal than taking a picture of the scenery itself.
This photo has rule of third and leading lines.For the rule of third, i have the picture of the bench on the third.Im not sure how to explain the rule of third so thats the only thing i can tell you. For leading lines, the wood floor is pointing right to the guy standing. Leading lines is when you look at a photo which leads you to something.
I did not take this picture for the rule of third, but when i was looking through my photos i saw that i can use this for rule of third.I took this photo because i just like photos of nature. In this picture it has the triangle angle which applies for the rule of third.
For this photo I was waiting until someone walk by, but no one did.I just feel like by having someone walk by this scenery with this king of weather would give a mood of the scenery.I used this photo for leading lines because of the line on the sides which leads us to look even further.The last photo also applies for leading lines using S curve.