Friday, 24 May 2013

Discovering "My" Type og Photography 

The first time I saw this picture, I knew I need to post this on my blog, actually no, I have to! While I'm staring at this picture I just can't believe it’s real. This picture captivates me and I just can’t stop looking at it. I love seeing photos of nature and animals. By looking at them it just gives me a feeling on how wonderful the world. Looking at this kind of pictures makes me think that there is so much more out there than what we see every day, I know it’s a bit of a cliché but it’s true. Photography makes me discover things that I don’t know about or I haven’t seen. This is a trek mani stone and can be found in Mt. Everest basecamp. I found this picture in instigram and I just need to know where it is or if it’s real because I just can’t believe it’s real.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013